TCM and Assisted Conception Therapy (ACT)

TCM can maximize your chances of conceiving

babyIVF is an advanced medical technology which helps infertile couples achieve pregnancy. However, the UK's overall success rate of IVF is only around 30% for woman aged under 35, and the procedure can be very demanding and stressful. Therefore, proper preparation is the best way possible and is crucial and beneficial for a successful IVF or other forms of ACT. Whatever the nature of your fertility problem, TCM can maximise your chances of conceiving and carrying healthy babies to term when you embark on ACT.

Since a woman’s best response to any ACT depends on her overall endocrine status in the few months prior to the procedure, when the follicles are developing within your ovaries, we strongly recommend you start TCM preparation three months prior to ACT/IVF, especially if there is hormonal, immunological, mechanical, age or implantation factors. This usually gives your body sufficient time to restore adequate balance of your energies and organs, and reduce the chromosome abnormality. Therefore, the ACT will produce the best possible response, improving your eggs quality, increasing your success rate of conception.

Acupuncture can increase IVF success rate

Acupuncture can be used to help prepare the body for conception and pregnancy and also to support fertility treatment. Research has shown that using acupuncture with IVF can increase your success rate significantly. A recent study published by the British Medical Journal in February 2008 concluded that women undergoing IVF who also had acupuncture improved their rates of pregnancy by 65% and live birth substantially higher than those who did not have acupuncture. Acupuncture can support a man in much the same way as a female can be treated, helping him reach his potential for fatherhood. This is strongly supported by our clinical results. We have been working in collaboration with CARE (the largest independent fertility provider in the UK) and some consultants from the hospitals, and have achieved astonishing results of 67% success pregnancy rate, and 61% live birth rate (please see CARE Website).

Many couples visited our clinic while undergoing IVF, IUI or ICSI. We have designed a special course of acupuncture to support couples who are going to have IVF, IUI or ICSI treatment, or whilst undergoing the program. We need as much information as you can provide for us, including your IVF regime or treatment protocol, blood test and scan results, and past medical and fertility treatment history. Acupuncture has demonstrated that it can:

  • Support you physically and emotionally during and after the procedure, alleviate some of the tension inherent in these stressful procedures, relax your mind;
  • Reduce some of the difficult side effects caused by some of the drugs and improve response to hormonal stimulation;
  • Balance your hormone levels;
  • Increase blood supply to the uterus and ovaries, improve the eggs quality;
  • Strengthen the endometrial lining and create a welcoming environment in your womb for conception;
  • Calm the uterus to prepare it for implantation;
  • Minimise the risk of miscarriage if a pregnancy achieved.

Registered Member of ATCM Registered member of the Acupuncture Council

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